Good morning!  Today is Friday, September 2, and today is National Blueberry Popsicle Day. And Congratulations to our Lady Wardens on their win last night against Mission!

Breakfast can be found each morning in the P.E. room at no charge. Lunch today will be a Sack Lunch.  Remember to sign your first and last name and student ID number LEGIBLY when you pick up your lunch!

Happy late Birthday to Natalie Seitzinger, whose birthday was June 13th. Happy Belated Birthday, Natalie! Please come to the office for your present.

Lunch duty this week is: 1st floor Mrs. Hunter and 2nd floor Ms. Bleken. Detention will be in Mrs. Hunter’s room.

Activities for the week:

Friday, 9/2 - Long Lunch from 11:24 - 12:24

Friday, 9/2 - Cross Country @ Ronan - 1 p.m.

Friday, 9/2 - Volleyball @ HOME vs. Troy - 4 p.m.

Friday, 9/2 - Football @ HOME vs. Flint Creek - 7 p.m.

Saturday, 9/3 - Volleyball @ HOME vs. Eureka - 10 a.m.


There’s a sign-up sheet at the office for any Senior boys who are interested in the Senior Boys’ Dance during Homecoming


Stop by the Ag Building to sign up for District Leadership School, which is September 6th! Sign up by today if you’re interested.


Anyone interested in receiving their Lifeguard Certification, please contact Mr. Duncan.


Juniors, please finish voting for Royalty by the end of the day. 


Do you like movies? Board games? Video Games? Comic Books? Anime? Lets talk. There will be a Fandom Club organizational meeting during lunch on Thursday in Mr. Cotton's room. 


PCHS eSports is now recruiting PC gamers! Come play Hearthstone, League of Legends, or Rocket League against students from other schools! Build your squad. Train. Defeat your opponents. There will be a meeting during lunch today Mr. McConnaha’s room - the season starts now!


There is a sign-up sheet at the office if you’re interested in helping sell concessions at home football and volleyball games. 


The deadline to return all beginning-of-the-year paperwork is today.


There will be an FCCLA meeting in Mrs. Perkins room on Thursday, September 8 during lunch. Lunch will be provided.


There are 9 copies of last year's yearbook available for purchase. They are $40. Stop by Ms. Biere's Room 305 if you are interested.


Our Wonderful Warden today is…….. Please come to the office for your present. 


Here’s today’s joke of the day:  Why do seagulls fly over the sea? If they flew over the bay, they would be bagels