Good morning! Today is Tuesday, May 31, and today is National Smile Day.
Breakfast can be found each morning in the P.E. room. There will be a BBQ at the school at 11:30 today for everyone!
Happy Birthday yesterday to Emele Frazer and Happy Birthday today to Lucy Oliver! Emele and Lucy, please come to the office for your present!
Lunch duty this week is: 1st floor Mr. Lombardi and 2nd floor Mrs. Gates. Detention will be in the Math room (#201).
Activities for the week:
Tuesday, 5/31 - Clean-up Day
Wednesday, 6/1 - Period 3 & 4 FINALS
Thursday, 6/2 - Period 1 & 2 FINALS - Last Day of School
The FFA Plant Sale will run every afternoon through June 3 from 3:15 - 5:30 p.m. Come buy some flowers, veggies, or herbs and support FFA!
Here’s today’s joke of the day: What do cows like to read? Cattle-logs.