Good morning!  Today is Tuesday, April 5, and today is National Library Workers Day, so stop by and thank Mr. Spring for all the work he does!

Breakfast can be found each morning in the P.E. room. Lunch today will be Chili Mac & Corn Bread. Remember to sign up with your first and last name on Google Forms by 9 a.m. 

Today we have lots of PCHS Birthdays to celebrate! Happy Birthday to Ashlynn Just, Carissa Jackman and Cassandra Jackman! Ashlyn, Carissa & Cassandra, please come to the office for your present.

Lunch duty this week is: 1st floor, Mr. Cotton and 2nd floor, Mrs. Perkins. Detention will be in the Math room (#201).

Activities for the week:

Monday - Friday - Close-Up kids in Washington, D. C.

Tuesday, 4/5 - ACT testing - quiet in the halls, please

Tuesday, 4/5  - Golf @ Stevensville - CANCELLED due to weather

Tuesday, 4/5 - Softball @ Ennis - CANCELLED due to weather

Tuesday, 4/5  - Track @ Corvallis - CANCELLED due to weather

Thursday, 4/7 - Softball @ HOME vs. Manhattan

Friday, 4/8 - Track @ Polson

Saturday, 4/9 - Track @ Hamilton

Saturday, 4/9 - Softball @ HOME vs. Plains


The Talent Show is tonight at the Rialto at 7 p.m. The cost is $5 per person to attend. 

The April FFA meeting will be tomorrow night at 7:30 in the ag-ed room.


There will be a Student Council meeting tomorrow during lunch.



The Envirothon team will meet every Wednesday and Friday at lunch in the Ag-Ed room.


Here is today’s joke of the day:  What is the golden rule for birds? Tweet others the way you want to be tweeted.