Good morning! Today is Friday, April 1, and today is April Fool’s Day!
Breakfast can be found each morning in the P.E. room. Lunch today will be a Burger. (Lent options are available upon request). Remember to sign up with your first and last name on Google Forms by 9 a.m.
We have 2 PCHS Birthdays today! Happy Birthday to Tucker West and Manina Lombardi! And Happy early Birthday to Gracie Warner, whose birthday is tomorrow! Tucker, Manina and Gracie, please come to the office for your present.
Detention will be in the Math room (#201).
Activities for the week:
Friday, 4/1 - Close-Up begins
Friday, 4/1 - Long Lunch (11:24 - 12:24)
Saturday, 4/2 - Softball @ Polson
Saturday, 4/2 - Track @ Frenchtown
The April FFA meeting will be on Wed April 6th at 7:30 in the ag-ed room.
There will be a Student Council meeting on Wednesday April 6th during lunch.
For those Students that signed up for the Talent Show: Rehearsal for the Talent Show will be Monday, April 4th beginning at 4 p.m. at the Rialto.
The Talent Show will be Tuesday, April 5th at 7 p.m. at the Rialto Theater. The cost is $5 per person to attend.
There will be an Informational meeting on Monday, April 4 at 7pm in Mrs. Liedes’s room for any students in grades 9-11 interested in learning about marine ecology in Belize. We will learn specifically about manatees and seagrass vegetation. We will also be spending some time learning about and studying bats, as well as reptiles and amphibians.
The Envirothon team will meet every Wednesday and Friday at lunch in the Ag-Ed room.
We have LOTS of Wonderful Wardens this week! Keep up the great work, everyone! And our lucky winner is…..
Here is today’s joke of the day: What has 8 legs, 8 arms, and 8 eyes?
8 pirates.