Good morning! Today is Wednesday, March 9, and today is National “Get Over It” Day. Leave the past in the past and start fresh today!
Breakfast can be found each morning in the P.E. room. Lunch today will be a Chicken Quesadilla. Remember to sign up with your first and last name on Google Forms by 9 a.m.
Happy Birthday today to Ashton Bledsoe! Ashton, please come to the office for your present!
Detention will be held in Room 201, Ms. Jackson’s room
Activities for the week:
Thursday, 3/10 - Spring Sports Meeting for Parents at 5:30 p.m. in the Gym
Saturday, 3/12 - FFA Districts @ Hot Springs
The Close-Up meeting for interested Sophomores will be today during lunch in Mr. Schalk’s room.
There will be an FCCLA meeting in Mrs. Perkins’ room on Thursday during lunch and lunch will be provided.
There are sign-up sheets in the office for Spring Sports. Any students who are interested in Spring Sports but haven’t played a sport yet this year, please see Mr. Huber for paperwork.
Sign up for the Talent Show at the office! Deadline is March 23!
Here is today’s joke of the day: What do you call a French man wearing sandals? Phillippe Flop.