Good morning! Today is Monday, January 17, and today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
Breakfast can be found each morning in the P.E. room. Lunch today will be Ravioli Soup and Cheesy Breadsticks. Remember to sign up with your first and last name on Google Forms by 9 a.m.
Happy birthday today to Mr. Cotton!
Activities for the week:
Monday, 1/17 - Select Choir to Bozeman for Celebrate America PBS Recording
Tuesday, 1/18 - Basketball @ Arlee
Wednesday, 1/19 - FINALS - Periods 1 & 3
Wednesday, 1/19 - 2:00 Dismissal - Busses will run at normal time
Thursday, 1/20 - FINALS - Periods 2 & 4
Friday, 1/21 - NO SCHOOL
Friday, 1/21 - Basketball @ Home vs. Florence
Saturday, 1/22 - Wrestling @ Thompson Falls
Saturday, 1/22 - Divisional Speech & Debate @ Manhattan
Congratulations to Katie Johnson, Sadie Shindurling, and Lexi Lunceford for placing in the Wrestling Tournament this weekend! And a shout-out to Orrin Hansen, Paul Pavlik and Jamie Rivers-Ross for securing wins this weekend at the tournament as well! Great job, Wardens!
There are sign-ups in the office for 2nd Semester Traffic Education. The first 24 students who PAY FOR the course will be enrolled. The course will begin February 8th.
Yearbooks are now $50. Deadline is January 31st! See Ms. Biere to reserve your copy.
There is a sign-up sheet at the office for anyone interested in helping sell concessions at home basketball games and wrestling events.
1st Floor lunch duty this week is Mrs. Liedes and 2nd Floor is Mr. Cotton. Detention will be held in Mrs. Hagan’s Math Room.
Here is today’s joke of the day: What did the shark say when he ate the clownfish? This tastes a little funny.