Powell County High School
Daily Announcements
Good morning! Today is Thursday, January 13, and today is Make Your Dream Come True Day.
Breakfast can be found each morning in the P.E. room. Lunch today will be a Chicken Drumstick & Mac and Cheese. Remember to sign up with your first and last name on Google Forms by 9 a.m.
Activities for the week:
Thursday, 1/13 - Basketball @ Jefferson - Girls play at 4:30 (JV) and 7 (V), Boys play at 3 (JV), 4:30 (C-squad) and 6 (V)
Thursday, 1/13 - FFA Meats @ Missoula
Friday, 1/14 - Saturday, 1/15 - Wrestling @ Choteau
Friday, 1/14 - Basketball @ Home vs. Loyola - Boys play at 3 (JV), 4:30 (C @ CPC) & 7:30 (V), Girls play at 4:30 (JV) and 6 (V)
Saturday, 1/15 - Speech & Debate @ Simms
Saturday, 1/15 -Basketball @ Thompson Falls - Boys play at 11:30 (C-squad), 2:30 (JV) & 5:30 (V), and Girls play at 1 (JV) & 4 (V)
There are sign-ups in the office for 2nd Semester Traffic Education. The first 24 students who sign up and pay for the course will be enrolled. The course will begin February 8th.
Yearbooks are now $50. Buy or reserve yours now in Ms. Biere's Room 305. Also, if you have already reserved a yearbook, make sure that you turn in your payment to Ms. Biere by January 31st!
There is a sign-up sheet at the office for anyone interested in helping sell concessions at home basketball games and wrestling events.
Detention will be held in Mrs. Hagan’s Math room this week.
Here is today’s joke of the day: Why can’t you explain puns to kleptomaniacs? They always take things literally.