Powell County High School
Daily Announcements
Good morning! This is Louis with your morning announcements. Today is Thursday, September 2nd and today is National Blueberry Popsicle Day.
For Lunch today we will have a Pork Riblet Sandwich. Lunch tomorrow will be a Cheeseburger. Breakfast tomorrow will be cereal, fruit and milk. Please make sure to sign up for lunch by 9 a.m. in the office.
Today we will celebrate Josie Steinbach’s summer birthday! Josie’s birthday was June 4th. Josie, please stop by the office for your present.
Activities for the week: Thursday, 9/2 - Cross Country @ Missoula 4 p.m.
Friday, 9/3 - Volleyball @ Troy 5:30 & 7
Saturday, 9/4 - Volleyball @ Lincoln County 11:30 & 1
Tomorrow, Friday, September 3, is the first Friday of the month, which means LONG LUNCH! Lunch will begin at 11:24 and last until 12:24.
Next Thursday, September 9th there will be an FCCLA meeting in Mrs. Perkins room. Anyone interested is welcome! Lunch will be provided.
If you are taking any Ag classes this school year and would like to join FFA, please go to Mr. Lombardi’s to sign up.
Tutoring is available for spanish, 1 pre algebra, algebra 1, algebra 2, physical science, and world history. It does not cost anything. There is a sign up sheet here in the office. Available times are listed on the sheet.
There will be a senior class meeting next Wednesday, September 8 in the wrestling room at lunch.
Here is today’s joke of the day: One windmill said to the other, “What kind of music do you like?” The windmill answered, “I’m a big metal fan.”