Daily Announcements in a blue box



Tuesday,  May 3, 2021                                              

Lunch Duty:   1st Floor - Mr. Spring 2nd Floor - Mrs. Perkins


Lunch: Pork Riblet and pasta salad

Lunch tomorrow: Goulash

Breakfast tomorrow:  


Joke of the day: WHat bread of dog likes to take baths? Shampoodles


Activities for the week:


5/4 Tues Golf @Loyola

                  Close up Meeting 5:30

5/4 Tues Track @ Anaconda

5/8 Sat Track @ Dillon




Rock Creek Cattle Company is hiring in the housekeeping department. See the office for an application. 

NHS and Student Council are hosting Powder Puff Volleyball for anyone who wants to play on May 19th. The games will start around 6. There is a sign up sheet in the office.

There is a close up meeting tonight at 5:30pm