Thursday, April 22, 2021
Lunch Duty: 1st Floor - Mr. Spring 2nd Floor - Mr. Lombardi
Lunch: Ham and Au Gratin Potatoes
Lunch tomorrow: Roast Beef Sandwich
Breakfast tomorrow: Yogurt, Breakfast Bar
Joke: Why did the pirate buy an eye patch? He couldn’t afford an i phone
Activities for the week:
4/22 Thursday - Golf @ Anaconda 10am
4/23 Friday - Track @ Frenchtown 9 am
4/24 Saturday - Softball vs Mission 12,2
The Deer Lodge Youth board is hosting a spring formal on April 30th from 9 p.m. to midnight at the Deer Lodge Youth Center in City Hall. Entry fee will be $10 per person and masks will be required.
The Powell Prevention Organization is hosting a Red-Carpet Video project. The winning teams will have the opportunity to win prizes. Fore more information, please see the office.
Congratulations to the FFA chapter on winning a state championship in environmental and natural resources at the 2021 state Envirothon.
We would also like to congratulate Mr. Lombardi on winning the teacher portion of the Envirothon and bringing home the coveted Rams Head Award.
Rock Creek Cattle Company is hiring in the house keeping department. See the office for an application.