Yellow P and Yellow C



Friday, November 15, 2019                                                 

Class schedule:  It’s a Gold Day 6,7,8,5


 Lunch Duty: 1st Floor: Mr. Cotton 2nd Floor: Mr. Spring


Youth Board Winter Ball @ The Pen

Joke of the Day: How come math books don’t get along very well? They are full of problems

Lunch today will be Chicken Alfredo. Monday will be Cheeseburgers. Please sign up with your student ID before 9 am for lunch.

The Junior Class will be fundraising for prom in the form of a hat day. On Friday, November 15, students can pay a dollar and wear their hat inside for the day. The Juniors will be by the doors in the morning if you would like to participate. Hat Day will occur every other Friday.


Students who have an Incomplete on their 1st quarter report card have until the end of the day today to complete their work.  If the work is not completed, the grade will be an F.


There is Winter Ball decorating Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday after school. Please remember to RSVP for winter ball dinner by Wednesday 


The Football Banquet will be this Sunday, November 17th, 6pm at the Community Center.