Good morning! Today is Wednesday, April 24th and on this day in 1800, the Library of Congress was established.
Breakfast can be found each morning in the P.E. room at no charge. Lunch today will be a Breaded Beef Patty.
Lunch Duty today is 1st Floor Ms. Sheldon and 2nd Floor Mr. Spring. Detention today will be in the Library.
Activities for the week:
Tuesday - Golf @ Missoula — Softball @ Anaconda @ 4pm
Wednesday - National Honor Society Induction @ 7pm in Atrium — NO Community Open Gym tonight
Thursday - Golf @ Ennis — English & Science Field Trip to Butte
Friday - End Quarter 7 — Softball @ HOME vs. Manhattan (DH) @ 3pm — Track @ Missoula — Community Open Gym 7-9pm
Saturday - Softball @ Plains & Thompson Falls
There will be an AP Humanities Meeting today at 2:45 in Mr. McConnaha’s room.
There will be a mandatory meeting for those students traveling to Greece on Friday, April 26th during lunch in Ms. Biere's room. Be ready to talk about the upcoming silent auction fundraiser!
Please complete the scholastic letter points tally form that Mrs. Liedes emailed to you. Forms must be submitted by this Friday, April 26, at 5 PM.
Seniors will be having a class meeting on Monday, April 29th at lunch in Miss Bleken's room .
Are you looking for a way to make a little cash? Sign up to be in the Talent Show! The deadline is next Wednesday! The Talent Show will be Tuesday, May 14th.
Sophomores interested in Close-Up next year, there will be a meeting on Tuesday, April 30th at 6pm in Mr. Schalk’s room.
There are Volleyball summer camp flyers at the office for any girls interested!
Here’s today’s joke of the day: What do you call a deer with no eyes? No eye deer.