Good morning! Today is Friday. April 19th and on this day in 1775, the American Revolutions began with the Battle of Lexington.
Happy early Birthday to Holly Henze, whose birthday is Sunday!
Holly, please come to the office for your present.
Breakfast can be found each morning in the P.E. room at no charge.
Lunch today will be a burger.
Lunch Duty is 1st Floor Mrs. Hagan and 2nd Floor Ms. Sheldon.
Detention today will be in Ms. Sheldon’s room.
Activities for the week:
Friday – District Music Festival@Butte--Community Open Gym 7-9pm
Saturday - District Music Festival @ Butte — Track @ Missoula — Golf @ Thompson Falls
There are Volleyball summer camp flyers at the office for any girls interested!
The deadline is May 1st for the Talent Show sign-ups! Stop by the office and sign up if you have a talent to share! If you’ve already signed up, swing by the office to pick up more information!
The Breanna Rome Foundation is hosting a volleyball tournament on Saturday - stop by the office for a registration form!
Here’s today’s joke of the day: How come there are no knock-knock jokes about America? Because freedom rings..