Good morning! Today is Friday, April 12th and tomorrow is prom!
Congratulations to the Lady Warden Softball team on their win against Ennis last night!
Breakfast can be found each morning in the P.E. room at no charge. Lunch today will be Pizza.
Lunch Duty today is 1st Floor Mrs. Gates and 2nd Floor Mrs. Perkins. Detention today will be in Mrs. Perkins’ room.
Activities for the week:
Friday - Juniors decorating for prom
Saturday - Prom @ 9pm in the Gym (Grand March @ 8:30)
All students, please check your email for the Google form to vote for the prom king & queen. Voting will close today at noon!
Juniors, after attendance has been taken and you have voted for prom king & queen, you will be dismissed to the gym this morning for decorating.
The Grand March for prom begins at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow night. Please be at the gym by 8:15 to line up. Royalty will be crowned immediately after the grand march.
There will be a mandatory Greece meeting on Monday, 4/15 right after school in Ms. Biere's room. They will be discussing the upcoming silent auction.
Mark your calendars for next Monday (the 15th) and Tuesday (the 16th)! The festival Choir will perform at the Rialto on Monday evening at 7, and the festival Band will perform in the Ron Fuhrman room Tuesday evening at 7!
The annual all-school chess tournament is happening soon! Sign up with Mr. Cotton by TODAY if you’re interested!
There are sign-ups at the office for the 64th annual Rotary Talent Show. Sign up if you have a talent to share!
The Breanna Rome Foundation is hosting a volleyball tournament next Saturday - stop by the office for a registration form!
If you are planning to help serve at the Discover Deer Lodge Black Tie Dinner next Saturday evening, please see Mrs. Perkins asap! Grab a friend and sign up for a fancy night of serving - she’s looking for 3 more volunteers!
Here’s today’s joke of the day: What do you get when you cross an algebra class with the prom? The quadratic formal.