Good morning! Today is Tuesday, March 26th and today is Science Appreciation Day.
Breakfast can be found each morning in the P.E. room at no charge. Lunch today will be a Beef, Bean & Cheese Burrito.
Lunch Duty today is 1st Floor Ms. Bleken and 2nd Floor Mr. McConnaha. Detention today will be in Mr. McConnaha’s room.
Activities for the week:
Wednesday - Early Out @ 1:30 — Spring Sports Pictures
Thursday -Spring Break - NO SCHOOL — Track @ Frenchtown
Friday - Spring Break - NO SCHOOL
There will be no school next Monday or Tuesday for Spring Break. School will resume Wednesday, April 3rd.
Magic the Gathering will meet today in the Journalism Lab after school.
Spring Athletes: After taking your professional spring sport photos, you will report up to the Journalism Lab on the 3rd floor to have your button and trading card photos taken. Don't forget!
Attention girls interested in playing Volleyball this fall! There is information about open gym and summer camps as well as a sign-up sheet in the office. Stop by and sign up if you’re interested in playing volleyball this fall!
Anyone interested in Dual Credit classes, stop by the office and pick up an application.
Chess players, sign up for the all-school chess tournament with Mr. Cotton. Play will start after spring break. There will be a prize for the winner.
Prom tickets are on sale each day at lunch outside of Mrs. Perkins’ room. Tickets are $15 for a single and $25 for a couple. There’s an out-of-town guest list at the office if you’re planning to bring someone to prom who does not attend PCHS. Prom is April 13th.
The Breanna Rome Foundation is hosting a volleyball tournament on April 20th - stop by the office for a registration form!
Discover Deer Lodge is hosting a Black Tie Dinner on April 20th, at 6pm. They are looking for 8 servers. Please see Mrs. Perkins asap if you’d like to help!
Here’s today’s joke of the day: What did one tectonic plate say when he bumped into the other? Sorry! My fault.