Good morning! Today is Wednesday, March 6th and on this day in 1475, Michelangelo was born.
Breakfast can be found each morning in the P.E. room at no charge. Lunch today will be Breakfast (Waffles, sausage, hash brown patty).
Lunch Duty today is 1st Floor Mr. Spring and 2nd Floor Mrs. Liedes. Detention today will be in Mrs. Liedes’ room.
Activities for the week:
Thursday - Ukulele Club @ Lunch — FFA BBQ in Ag-Ed room @ Lunch for Ag-Ed students
Friday - E-Sports @ 4pm
There will be a Community Open Gym tonight at 7:30 in our gym - this will be open to adults as well as students!
Seniors, please turn in your senior photos for the yearbook to Ms. Biere as soon as possible. Free photo sessions are available for any senior who would like them - please see Ms. Biere for more information!
If you are interested in an Education, Medical or Veterinary Internship, stop by the office for an application. They are due next Wednesday, the 13th.
Here’s today’s joke of the day: Michelangelo’s statues are some of the most important artworks ever created out of marble. But I’ve always taken them for granite.