Good morning! Today is Wednesday, February 14th and today is Valentine’s Day.
Happy Birthday today to Payton Holloway! Payton, please come to the office for your present!
Breakfast can be found each morning in the P.E. room at no charge. Lunch today will be Meatloaf.
Lunch Duty today is 1st Floor Mrs. Hansen and 2nd Floor Mrs. Herrin. Detention today will be in Mrs. Herrin’s room.
Activities for the week:
Thursday - End Quarter 5 — Ukulele Club @ Lunch — GBB & BBB Districts @ HOME
Friday - NO SCHOOL — GBB & BBB Districts @ HOME
Saturday - GBB & BBB Districts @ HOME
Monday, 2/19 - NO SCHOOL
Minecraft will meet today at lunch in the journalism lab.
There are sign-ups for Spring Sports at the office - stop by and sign up if you’re interested in Golf, Softball or Track!
Seniors, please turn in your senior photos for the yearbook to Ms. Biere as soon as possible. Free photo sessions are available for any senior who would like them - please see Ms. Biere for more information!
Since it’s a holiday, there are 2 jokes today: What did the scientist say to her Valentine? I think of you periodically.
What do you call a romance that starts at the aquarium? Guppy love.