Good morning! Today is Wednesday, January 31st and on this day, Apollo 14 left for the moon. In what year? Be the first to tell Suzanne and win a prize.
Breakfast can be found each morning in the P.E. room at no charge. Lunch today will be Spaghetti.
Congratulations to the Warden Basketball Teams on their wins against Darby yesterday!
Lunch Duty today is 1st Floor Mr. McConnaha and 2nd Floor Mrs. Hagan. Detention today will be in Mrs. Hagan’s room.
Activities for the week:
Wednesday - Jack Gladstone @ the Rialto
Thursday - GBB & BBB @ HOME vs. Florence — Ukulele Club @ Lunch
Friday - LONG LUNCH — GBB & BBB @ Arlee — Wrestling Divisionals @ Shelby — E-sports @ 4pm in Journalism Lab
Saturday - Wrestling Divisionals @ Shelby — GBB & BBB @ HOME vs. Darby - Senior Parent Night
Any senior athletes that have taken their posters home, please bring them back to the school by Friday!
Seniors, your baby pictures are due to Ms. Biere by today! Also, please turn in your senior photos for the yearbook to Ms. Biere as soon as possible. Free photo sessions are available for any senior who would like them - please see Ms. Biere for more information!
Minecraft will meet in the journalism lab today at lunch.
Here’s today’s joke of the day: What time do astronauts eat? At launch time.