Breakfast can be found each morning in the P.E. room at no charge. Lunch today will be Taco Tuesday.
Lunch Duty this week is 1st Floor Mrs. Hansen and 2nd Floor Mrs. Perkins. Detention today will be in Mrs. Perkins’ room.
Dress-up days this week are:
Tuesday: Color Day – Freshmen/Sophomores: Green, Juniors/Seniors: Red, Staff - Blue
Wednesday: PJ Day
Activities for the week:
Tuesday - Wrestling @ HOME - 6pm
Wednesday - FFA Scholarships Due — Late, Long (1-hour) Lunch at 12:30 — Early Out @ 1:30 – Busses run at 1:30
Thursday - No School — GBB & BBB @ T-Falls — Wrestling @ Florence
Friday - No School — Wrestling (Girls’ Mixer) @ Dillon at 5pm
School Resumes Wednesday, January 3rd!
For any students who would like to sign the sympathy card for the Arlee school (one of their students passed away), please stop by the office and sign it by the end of the day.
Academic World Quest will meet today in Mr. Cotton’s room during lunch. If you’re interested but cannot make the meeting, please let Mr. Cotton know!
Interested in playing eSports in the spring? Come to a planning and informative meeting in Mr. McConnaha's room today after school. Bring a computer. Form teams. Set schedules. Choose games. Go Game Wardens!
There will be an FFA Open House/Christmas party at Mr. Lombardi’s house on December 20th at 6pm.
Interested in buying some FFA fruit? You’re in luck - there is some left! Please see Mr. Lombardi if you are interested!
Here’s today’s joke of the day: What do you call a reindeer with no eyes? No-eye-deer