Activities for the week:
Thursday - Ukulele Club @ Lunch
Friday - End Quarter 3 — Long Lunch — Wrestling @ Cascade
Saturday - Wrestling @ Cascade — Speech & Debate @ Frenchtown
Reminder to winter athletes: Activity Tickets must be purchased prior to the first competition.
We will be holding a lifeguard certification class in December. If you or someone you know is interested in becoming a lifeguard, please let Mr. Duncan know by this Friday the 1st. We will have our prerequisite swim test next week. Anyone who passes the swim test will be enrolled in the lifeguarding class.
An organizational meeting for Academic World Quest will be held during lunch in Mr. Cotton's room on Monday, December 4th. We are planning for the event in March. If you can not make it at that time, please let Mr. Cotton know ASAP if you are interested.
The canned food drive competition has begun! Each class will compete against each other through Wednesday December 13th to donate the most food to the local food bank!
Here’s today’s joke of the day: What did one snowman say to the other snowman? Do you smell carrot?