Activities for the week:
Tuesday - Mandatory Winter Sports Meeting for students and parents @ 6pm in the Gym.
Wednesday - MSU Representative here for Juniors & Seniors at 2:15 — E-Sports @ 4pm
Thursday - STATE Volleyball @ Bozeman
Friday - Veteran’s Day Reception @ 9:30 am in the Atrium - STATE Volleyball @ Bozeman
The deadline for the pep bus is noon today. Make sure you get into the Remind class - if you aren’t in the Remind class, you won’t get on the bus!
Highlands College is offering online classes for the Spring Semester. Any student interested in taking a class, please stop by the office for a form to fill out!
There will be a check-in meeting for the Greece trip tomorrow at lunch in Ms. Biere's room. We will be discussing fundraisers!
There will be open gym on Mondays and Wednesdays at 6pm for any students interested in basketball this year!
Dungeons and Dragons will meet after school every Tuesday in the Journalism lab. Minecraft will meet today at lunch in the journalism lab.
Here’s today’s joke of the day: I asked my dog what two minus two was. He said nothing.