Activities for the week:
This week is Red Ribbon Week, and dress up days are as follows:
Monday - Camo: Hide from drugs
Tuesday - Jersey Day: Team up against drugs
Wednesday - Wear Red
Thursday - Western Day: Give drugs a boot!
Friday: Neon Day: Shine brighter than drugs
Wednesday - Drug Speaker Andy Duran @ 10:15 — E-sports Overwatch @ 4pm
Thursday - FINALS Periods 3 & 4 — US Air Force Recruiter here at lunch — Rep for Northwest College (Powell, WY) here at 9am for Jrs/Srs
Friday - FINALS Periods 1 & 2 — End Quarter 2/Semester 1 — Volleyball Districts in Anaconda
Saturday - Speech & Debate @ Corvallis — Volleyball Districts @ Anaconda
Congratulations to all State Cross Country runners on their competition this weekend! Joe Straub (19:57), Jacob Hansen (20:35), Ryan Nagel (21:56), Bridger Slaughtner (23:04), Deker Hogan (23:41), and Hayden Jones (24:53) were our boys’ finishers and Sara Spring (21:21), Maddie Schrecengost (23:46), Hailey Hathaway (24:17) and Danica Dixon (26:13) were the girls’ PCHS finishers - great job to all runners!
Thank you to the Football team for a hard-fought, much-improved season! We’re proud of our football team!
Reminder you can sign up for Friday’s Pep Bus at the office. Cost is $6.
There are sign-up sheets at the office for basketball, cheer and wrestling for winter sports. Sign up legibly only if you are seriously interested in that sport!
Dungeons and Dragons will meet after school every Tuesday in the Journalism lab.
There are forms at the office if you’d like to put your name, short message, etc. on a board at the Breanna Rome Memorial at the school farm. The orders are due October 30th.
Sophomores are selling tumblers - stop by the office for an order form or design choices.
Would you like to see some of your photos featured in the yearbook? Download Yearbook Snap and use code: wardens to send in your photos of school events!
We are starting a new game every Friday where trivia about a senior is sent out in their email at 8:15 and the first student to respond back with the right answer will be entered in a drawing for a 24-25 activity ticket that will be given in May.
Here’s today’s joke of the day: How can you tell if a vampire has a cold? He’s coffin.