Activities for the week:
Monday - Advisement Day (following 2:00 schedule) – JV Football @ Cascade — C-squad Volleyball @ HOME vs. Jefferson - 4 PM
Tuesday - Cross Country @ Thompson Falls — Volleyball @ Loyola
Wednesday - Early Out @ 1:30
Thursday - Volleyball @ HOME vs. Florence — Army Recruiter here at lunch
Friday -End of 1st Quarter — Football @ Sheridan
Saturday - Cross Country @ Missoula
Congratulations the Cross Country team - Jacob Hansen was the PCHS boys’ top finisher and Sara Spring was the PCHS girls’ top finisher! Sara Spring also set a new school record for women’s 5000 meter race - she finished in 21.23 minutes - great job, Sara! Maddie Schrecengost had a season best, and Hailey Hathaway, Danica Dixon and Lexi Lunceford all had personal best times. Other competitors were Joe Straub, Quintin Perkins, Hayden Jones, Bridger Slaughtner, Ryan Nagel and Deker Hogan. Congratulations to the Volleyball team on their win against Troy on Friday as well!
Reminder that today is Advisement day, so we will follow the 2:00 schedule to allow time for advisement at 2:00! School dismisses at the normal time.
There will be a student-led Bible study today in RK’s room at lunch.
Do you dream of traveling the world? Join Ms. Biere in Greece! Stop by Room 305 to learn more about this amazing opportunity.
Dungeons and Dragons enthusiasts - There will be a character building meeting today after school in the library, with dungeon runs with those characters in the near future. Everyone is invited to attend. If after school does not work for you please let Mr. Cotton know.
Any high school students interested in joining a HS bowling league, come sign up at the office! The bowling alley needs to know how many are interested before other details are determined.
The senior class will be hosting a Homecoming Dance on Friday, October 6th, from 10:00 pm to 12:00 am. It will be at the Pen and dress will be school colors or semi-formal. The cost will be $5 per person.
The Senior Class will be selling muffins Mondays - Thursdays during lunch. They are $2.
Here’s today’s joke of the day: How did George Washington get around when he was president? Air HORSE one.