Good morning! Today is Thursday, April 13 and today is Thomas Jefferson Day. He was the United States’ ___ President (answer below)
Breakfast can be found each morning in the P.E. room at no charge. Lunch today will be a Pork Chop Sandwich. Remember to sign in when you pick up your lunch.
Lunch Duty this week is 1st Floor Mrs. Gates and 2nd Floor Mrs. Perkins. Detention will be in Mrs. Hunter’s room.
Activities for the week:
Thursday - ACT Testing for Juniors — Softball @ HOME vs. Anaconda @ 4 pm — Ukulele Club @ Lunch
Saturday - Softball @ HOME vs. T-Falls @ 11 am
There will be NO CHESS today!
Make plans to attend the Choir concert next Monday, April 17th at the Rialto and the Band Concert next Tuesday, April 18th in the Ron Fuhrman room at PCHS. Both concerts will be at 7 pm.
If anyone 16 and under is interested in playing baseball this spring, there are informational sheets at the office for Little League - deadline is tomorrow.
Here’s today’s joke of the day: What do you call a weather joke with a bad punchline? An anti-climactic climatic joke
Thomas Jefferson was the 3rd president of the United States