Activities for the week:

Thursday - Blood Drive in P.E. Room from 1 - 6 p.m. — Ukulele Club @ Lunch

Friday - Track @ Polson

Chess players - Play is happening at noon and after school. A signup sheet to schedule games is outside Mr. Cotton's door. 

Montana Conservation Corps will be on campus Monday April 3rd during lunch and third period in Mr. Haynes's science classroom. If you are interested in learning about earning community service hours, outdoor recreation and educational opportunities, or a future career in conservation or resource management stop by or email Mr. Haynes for more information.

If anyone 16 and under is interested in playing baseball this spring, there are informational sheets at the office for Little League!

If you’d like to order a yearbook, the deadline is Friday! The cost is $40. Please see Ms. Biere to order your yearbook.

Here’s our joke of the day:  I drove past a billboard promoting Niagara Falls as the tallest waterfall in the world...Turns out it was falls advertising.