Activities for the week:
Wednesday - State FFA leaves after school
Thursday - FINALS Periods 3 & 4 – Ukulele Club @ Lunch
Thursday - Friday - State FFA @ Great Falls
Friday - FINALS Periods 1 & 2 — X Days @ UM-Western — Close-up Leaves for Washington, D.C. — Early Out at 12 pm
Saturday - Track @ Corvallis
Reminder that the end of Quarter 6/Semester 3 is this Friday!
Chess players - please come to Mr. Cotton's room and sign up for your games ASAP.
If anyone 16 and under is interested in playing baseball this spring, there are informational sheets at the office for Little League!
In honor of National Drug & Alcohol Facts week, here’s a question: For drugs to affect the brain, chemical messengers called neurotransmitters must bind to: A) Prefrontal cortex B) Receptors C) Neurons or D) None of the above. The answer is B - Receptors
Now for our joke of the day: Did you hear the one about the gardener who couldn’t wait for spring? He was so excited, he wet his plants.