Activities for the week:

Monday - Juniors and Seniors to Legislature/Capitol Tour

Tuesday - Spring Sports Pictures after school

Wednesday - State FFA leaves after school

Thursday - FINALS Periods 3 & 4 – Ukulele Club @ Lunch

Thursday - Friday - State FFA @ Great Falls

Friday - FINALS Periods 1 & 2 — X Days @ UM-Western — Close-up Leaves for Washington, D.C. — Early Out at 12 pm

Saturday - Track @ Corvallis

Congratulations to all of the State FCCLA participants, who did an outstanding job!

There’s a sign-up sheet at the office if you’re interested in participating in the talent show! The sign-up deadline is today!

Any Sophomores interested in Close-Up next year, there will be a meeting in Mr. Schalk’s room tomorrow night at 6 p.m. Bring your parents!

Any boys interested in playing basketball next year, please meet in the gym right after school tomorrow (Tuesday)! 

Reminder that the end of Quarter 6/Semester 3 is this Friday!

In honor of National Drug & Alcohol Facts week, here’s a question: Which component of the cannabis (marijuana) plant is psychotropic, or produces a high by altering consciousness – CBD or THC? The answer is…. THC.