Activities for the week:
Thursday - Ukulele Club @ Lunch — Tux Measurements @ lunch
Do you need a tux for prom? Thomas’ Clothing from Butte will be here today at lunch to take measurements. Sign up by 9 a.m. today if you’re interested!
Juniors and seniors - Please sign up at the office for a field trip to Helena to see the Montana Legislature in action. The trip will be on Monday, March 20. Buses will run at 8 am and return at 3 pm. Bring money for lunch.
Interested in spectating eSports? Come to the Journalism lab Wednesday through Friday. All games start at 4:30.
There will be an Envirothon meeting at lunch in Mr. Lombardi’s room today. If you are interested, please attend.
If you are participating in Spring Sports and haven’t done a sport yet this year, you will need to complete your sports paperwork and purchase an Activity Ticket. Please see Mr. Schalk for sports paperwork, which needs to be completed prior to the first practice.
If anyone is interested in attending the Missoula College Industrial Technology Expo on March 15th in Missoula, sign up at the office! Only 25 students are allowed to attend.
Prom tickets will be sold during lunch through March 15th down by Mrs. Perkins’ room. Tickets are $15 for an individual and $25 for a couple.
Here’s today’s joke of the day: What musical key does a cow sing in? Beef Flat.