Activities for the week:
Friday - Long Lunch 11:24 - 12:24 - Chess will be played in the Library during the long lunch
All of Mr. Best’s students who did not go on the ski trip, please report to Mr. Schalk’s room for your classes today.
If you are participating in Spring Sports and haven’t done a sport yet this year, you will need to complete your sports paperwork and purchase an Activity Ticket. Please see Mr. Schalk for sports paperwork, which needs to be completed prior to the first practice.
There will be an FFA Meeting on Monday, March 6th at 7:30 p.m.
Jostens will be here Tuesday, March 7th to meet with Sophomores and Seniors.
There will be a NHS and Student Council meeting in the art room on Wednesday March 8th during lunch.
If anyone is interested in attending the Missoula College Industrial Technology Expo on March 15th in Missoula, sign up at the office! Only 25 students are allowed to attend.
Prom tickets will be sold during lunch through March 15th down by Mrs. Perkins’ room. Tickets are $15 for an individual and $25 for a couple. Tickets WILL NOT BE sold during the long lunch today.
There’s a sign-up sheet at the office if you’re interested in bringing a non-PCHS student to prom this year. The deadline to sign them up is today.
Signups for the all-school chess tournament are going on at the office through today. Games can be scheduled at lunch or after school in the library. A prize will go to the winner. Players of all skill levels are encouraged, and games will be played during lunch, after school, or at the players’ convenience. Questions? Ask Mr. Cotton.
Our Wonderful Warden today is…….
Here’s today’s joke of the day: What do you do when no one laughs at your science jokes? Keep trying until you get a reaction.