Powell County High School

Daily Announcements

Good morning!  Today is Tuesday, September 7th and today is Telephone Tuesday.  

For Lunch today we will have a Chalupa. Lunch tomorrow will be Chicken Strips. Breakfast can be found each morning in the P.E. room from 7:30 until school starts.  Please make sure to sign up for lunch by 9 a.m. in the office.

Yesterday was Alesea Smith and Brody Hunter’s Birthdays, and today is Patrick Roberts’ Birthday! Happy birthday to all of you and you can come to the office for your present. 

 1st Floor Hall duty this week is Mrs. Liedes, and 2nd Floor is Mr. Cotton

 Activities for the week: Tuesday, 9/7 - Cross Country @ Butte 12 p.m.  

Saturday, 9/11 - Volleyball @ Home 10:00  & 11:30 vs. T-Falls

Saturday, 9/11 - Volleyball @ Home  4:00 & 5:30 vs. Bigfork


This Thursday, September 9th there will be an FCCLA meeting in Mrs. Perkins room. Anyone interested is welcome! Lunch will be provided.


If you are taking any Ag classes this school year and would like to join FFA, please go to Mr. Lombardi’s to sign up.


If you are not currently enrolled in any music department classes, please return your tuxedo, dress, and/or musical instruments to Mrs. Herrin by Today!


Make sure you check out the Yearbook Snap App, our yearbook photo sharing page! You can upload photos that you take at PCHS events. Download the App or go to the Yearbook Snap website. Our school code is: GoWardens2022. We look forward to seeing your photos!


Tutoring is available for Spanish 1, Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, Algebra 2, Physical Science, and World History. Tutoring is free of charge. There is a sign up sheet in the office. Available times are listed on the sheet.


There will be a Senior Class meeting tomorrow, September 8 in the wrestling room at lunch.


There will be a Junior Class meeting tomorrow, September 8 in Mr. Lombardi’s room at lunch.


There will be a Sophomore Class meeting tomorrow, September 8, in Ms. Bleken’s room at lunch.


There will be a Freshman Class meeting tomorrow, September 8, in the Gym during lunch.


There will be a National Honor Society meeting on Thursday September 9 in Mrs. Hunter’s room at lunch. Lunch will be provided.  


Close-up will meet @ 5:30 in Mr. Shalk’s room


Lady Wardens won 3-0 both squads against Tory on Friday night.  Way to go Wardens!


Here is today’s joke of the day: What did the left eye say to the right eye? Just between us, something smells!