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On behalf of the Powell County High School District Board of Trustees, our teachers, and staff, I welcome and thank you for taking the time to access the Powell County High School District website. Powell County High School is a 9-12 County High School District located in Deer Lodge, Montana.

Throughout its history, Powell County High School has been blessed with unwavering community support. Working with the local community, Powell County High School will continue to do its part to make a place where children, regardless of background or academic skill level, can find a home that is welcoming and encouraging. We are committed to help every child realize a meaningful school experience.
I am humbled to be serving our students, parents, staff, and community in this capacity. I am very optimistic about the current direction our school district is heading, and I look forward to working in concert with our trustees, school leadership, staff, and community stakeholders as we strive to help each of our students realize their greatest potential. Without question, Powell County High School has experienced tremendous educational success throughout the years and every day I continue to find evidence to support that belief. I'm proud our students who strive every day to do better; and am proud our teachers and staff who set the highest standards for their students and themselves.
It is an honor and a privilege to serve the children and community of Deer Lodge and the Powell County High School District. I hope our website will prove to be helpful to you. Go Wardens!

Most Sincerely,

Rick Duncan, Superintendent